Hip Hip – Hooray!

In working with knee and hip replacement clients, I use some unconventional and and inexpensive equipment you can buy to do your strengthening workouts to prepare for hip or knee replacement easily with exercises at home.

furniture sliders

The furniture sliders can strengthen your shoulders and arms, which need to be strong because you will be on crutches for a while and relying on using your arms a lot to get you from sitting to standing.  You can also strengthen your glutes and hamstrings using the sliders and those are muscles you don’t want to neglect!




yoga blocksI also use yoga blocks, which are very inexpensive and will work your hips and knees and your core, simply by standing on them with one leg.




toning ball

There are many exercises you can do with a weighted toning ball and you can buy these at any Walmart, Winners or a sporting goods store.  Great for strengthening arms, legs and core.



I have a comprehensive and gradually progressed series of 12 different workouts for hip and knee replacement clients that can be done prior to surgery to get you stronger or they can also be done post-surgically, once your physiotherapist has given you the ok to resume regular strengthening exercise.

Many of the exercises are very simple but extremely effective.  If you are facing a hip or a knee replacement in your future and you want to be prepared for the surgery, why not contact us at Ageless Fitness?  Our father, Denis is a living testament to what our hip and knee program can do to keep you stronger going into the surgery and after your surgery as well.  Our father has had 2 hip replacements and 1 knee replacement and he works out every day, walks for half an hour and plays pickle ball in the spring and summer.