Measure “Down” in 2016!

measuring tape.Instead of measuring “up” in 2016, how about measuring “down”?

Several of my clients have started their exercise and clean eating regimen before the holidays have taken a hold of us and are already seeing remarkable results.  Consistency pays off!

One client has been with me for only 1 month and is doing portion control only and not eliminating any food groups and has seen 7.5 pounds lost on the scale and 10 inches lost on her legs and hips.

The other client has been with me for 6 weeks and is seeing definition already and she is in her 50’s – once you are in your 50’s, it is difficult to see results in such a short time.  This client went away on vacation and did her exercises using a rock for weight instead of a medicine ball!

Again, consistency in adherence to clean eating (allowing for a little relaxing on weekends) and daily exercise (alternating weight training and interval cardio) has resulted in some impressive results for both of these clients going into the Christmas season.

Now really is a good time to start a sensible nutrition program and daily exercise so that you can pattern in good lifestyle habits to see you through vacations, Christmas holidays, birthdays or anything life throws at you.

Don’t let the upcoming holidays be an excuse for not looking after yourself.  Ask us how we can help you now to prepare in 2016 to become your best “you”!