Stories that inspire us to help you

L. C.

Former competitive figure skater when younger, this client of Jack’s was affected by the lockdowns and chose to continue training with distance training by email.  This very disciplined lady worked out at home with videos sent by Jack to her email. She has made some astonishing changes.  She is continuing her online training with Jack!

I went from 189 pounds to 145 pounds – from a size 14 to a size 6.  BMI is now 24, from 32 last year.  Your workout plans this past year has significantly reduced the fat-to-muscle ratio in my butt/legs.  And my core (love those side muscles along my abdomen) emerged over the past few months and are looking fine!

What about the future?  I feel like I have more potential/refinement/anti-ageing fitness to achieve and I like working out on my own.

Do you have more workout plans/videos?


A husband and wife who wanted tandem training together but with some adapted exercises for the husband, who had Parkinson’s disease.  Much of the training with Michelle was online with Zoom due to lockdowns.

We have definitely benefited from your workout programs and are very grateful for your insights, guidance, compassion and positive attitude.  Thank you so much!

duncan f.

This client of Jack’s, aged 74, is a heart patient with a triple bypass, is enjoying a new lease on life.

Thank you!  I have been so much appreciating the work we do . . . on so many levels.  It has become fundamental goodness to me as I move through this part of my life.

lynne m.

Client in her early 60’s, suffered with many years of chronic pain from dysfunction caused by sitting and 2 foot surgeries – pain is now gone!

Michelle has a true gift for healing.  Her combined use of exercises, therapeutic cupping and Gua Sha has alleviated chronic pain I’ve experienced after decades of working at a sedentary desk job.

The workout programs she developed for me are exactly what I needed to rebuild my strength, endurance and balance, following 2 foot surgeries.

My introduction to Michelle has been an amazing blessing both physically and mentally.  I have no words for the gratitude I feel.  Each time I see Michelle, I come away feeling refreshed and motivated to continue on my path of healing.

M. J.

A motor vehicle accident left this young woman in chronic pain from permanent injuries.  Strategic rehab fitness training and careful strengthening programs enabled this client to move from rehab fitness to regular strength training, with very little pain.

After several years of physiotherapy and other treatments following a motor vehicle collision, I wanted to start creating my new normal and that meant finding out how to exercise.  Unfortunately, due to my permanent injuries, I was no longer able to exercise and move like I did before without pain.  Not being sure how to exercise any more, I started seeing Michelle for rehabilitation personal training.

Michelle designed workouts that enabled me to exercise with minimal pain from my injuries, in my own home, without having to visit a gym.  With her energetic encouragement, I felt empowered to exercise and excited to try new exercises rather than just be frustrated by my body.  With her careful planning and gradual improvement strategy, I was able to move from rehabilitation training into the regular strength training with Michelle.  I am looking forward continuing to work with Michelle and see even more improvements!


Tradesman with two tickets with a physically demanding job, a busy lifestyle and two young daughters, now has more energy and no more pain!

My daily work as a tradesman with two tickets can be very physical and keeps me moving and I was strong but at the end of each day, I was consumed by aches and pains.

Just after my 41st birthday, I started fitness training at Ageless Fitness and have noticed a big difference in a short time.  Through education and fitness training workouts with Jack, I am now a new person and am feeling incredible again!  I am very motivated as well.

By putting your trust in and investing in your health with Jack and Michelle at Ageless Fitness, you will understand what your body needs as you grow older.  In just a few months, I have changed physically, I am getting trim and have more energy to keep up with my busy schedule and two active kids.

Their exercise programs and their progression used for my personal path to wellness is fantastic and gets to the root of my problem areas.  They care and have so much passion for what they can do to help you.  I am the luckiest person to have come across such an amazing team!


69 years old, major abdominal surgery in the fall of 2017.  Post-surgical weight loss, with loss of muscle and loss of strength.

3 months post-surgically, I was very weak, losing weight and muscle, especially in my core, arms and shoulders. It was a difficult time as I began in January to do normal household tasks and was able to increase my walking for exercise to return to normal.  Realizing I needed help, I read of a friend’s progress with Michelle at Ageless Fitness & Health and visited their website.  I knew I would not do well in a busy commercial gym that subscribed to using machines, little personal attention or training with post-surgical people.

Michelle ticked off all the boxes for training, experience with seniors and post-surgical clients, education and working with clients one-on-one.  Now I had to make the leap of faith and call to set up an appointment.  I’m so very glad I did in June of 2018!  I felt welcomed to a family.

Michelle provides personal attention, tailoring each program to her client, targeting strengths and weaknesses.  We are also working on posture to combat osteoporosis, including wearing a weight vest for walks and some exercises.  Twice a month, we go through a new program together in detail, making notes and ensuring I understand each exercise.  Every program progresses in strength training, using basic equipment I already had at home such as weights, bands, step bench, yoga mat and the stability ball.  Michelle follows up the next day to listen to my whining and make sure I am ok.

Michelle is knowledgeable, positive, encouraging, thorough and cheerful; she makes me feel that I can do it!  I trust her guidance and appreciate it that she provides medical rehabilitation.  Her routines work so well for me.  Progress has been amazing, and I look forward to doing even better.  I am doing well – stronger and grateful.

wendy B.

Late 40’s with fibromyalgia, corrective hip surgery to both hips when younger and later, a serious bus accident which resulted in hip surgery to repair.  Poor gait and balance as a result and misalignment in the hips, knees, feet. Loss of mobility in upper body (mostly shoulders) and strength as well.

Michelle, I want to thank you for all the hard work and effort in getting my body to be mobile.

We have had many challenges over the years but in the past 6 months my body has seen major improvements. My progress may have been a little longer than others but it is there. My movement and walking have improved and my lifting strength has as well. With your continued support, I look forward to more improvements.

roland rocque

Age 81,has had two knee replacements, one hip replacement,a quintuple bypass and wears a pacemaker.  His goal is to live to 100 and beyond.  Roland also had poor balance, an uneven gait and a weak core.

Sitting in a blood testing clinic, I discovered in a magazine, Ageless Fitness & Health, especially for seniors with Michelle Gaulin and Jack Taylor – as personal trainers.

I went for a free consultation where a personalized program is designed for you. Working out with Michelle one-on-one has been one of the most important decisions that I have made regarding my health and well being.

I feel that my health has definitely improved. I notice a difference in how I walk, my balance is better and even my breathing has improved. I certainly feel stronger too. My doctor is happy that I am doing weekly exercise.

Special thanks to Michelle and Jack.

Linda M.

Age 70, Off diabetes medication & high blood pressure medication, no knee or back pain, improved cardiovascular fitness.

Up until a year ago, I was someone who was not big into formal exercising and wasn’t much into getting sweaty.

As a result, at age 69, I was experiencing pain in my knees, back and sciatic nerves. I was on diabetic medication and high blood pressure pills. Walking was difficult as well as climbing stairs and if I did get down on the floor, I needed help getting up. I tried physiotherapy and massage treatments with only very short term results.

I had to do something.

Enter Michelle at Ageless Fitness. One year later and I can say my life has changed. No longer on any medications and those painful knees, back and sciatic nerves have almost disappeared. With the help and support from Michelle at Ageless Fitness, I have never felt better.

I so wish that others my age could realize how great they too could feel by just making that phone call to Michelle and putting in a little effort. I can’t thank Michelle enough for all her encouragement both during my workouts with her and the texts she sends to follow up during the time between our workout sessions.

Penny B.

Age 54, Improved energy, fat loss – now fits into a sexy pair of jeans, stronger.

I first met with Jack in November 2016 and shared my goal of fitting into a pair of the most amazing Liverpool jeans that I had in my closet. I purchased these jeans at a clearance sale and I just HAD to have them, even though they were a size too small, vowing that one day I would wear them comfortably. As I wrote this, I am sitting very comfortably in those jeans!

Thanks to Jack and Michelle for the encouragement, support and being the best coaches in the business.

Betty Ann M.

Age 45, Post-surgical rehab client – Improved range of motion and pain reduction for wrist fracture, frozen shoulder

It has been a pleasure working with Michelle for the last four months, following a wrist fracture that required 2 surgeries and was combined with a frozen shoulder.

The strength and mobility in those areas has improved dramatically, with Michelle’s assistance.

Additionally, she has increased my overall fitness, as was seen on a recent weekend of hiking in the mountains. For a change, I was able to keep up with my friends and I didn’t need to stop and rest as frequently as I usually do.

The best part is that compared to other fitness programs I have tried before, Michelle’s workouts are more varied, pleasant and seem less demanding but actually yield better results. I highly recommend Michelle to anyone wanting to improve their fitness and mobility.

Cheryl E.

50-something – Achieved weight loss, no more sore knees, fatty liver disease gone!

When I was looking for a personal trainer, I had recently turned 50 so I was looking for a different approach to fitness than when I was younger.

I have seen my mother’s health and mobility decline over the years and I felt that I needed to make some changes to avoid the same fate later in life.

I wasn’t looking to become a “hard body” and I didn’t want to train with a trainer at a gym half my age. I have worked with Jack for just over a year now and I have to say I have gained so many more benefits than I ever expected to.

The thing about Jack and Michelle is that they really care about the people they work with and are passionate about what they do.

They have openly shared their life experiences, provided the encouragement I needed to get through the struggles and have happily helped me to celebrate those 3 milestones I achieved. I would recommend them in a heart beat to anyone!


Husband, aged 70 with Parkinson’s and wife, aged 65 wanted couples training together but wanted a fitness trainer who respected the differences in their abilities and could adapt exercises for husband.  This very active couple did mostly Zoom online training with Michelle, during Covid lockdown in 2020. 

Michelle,we have benefited from your workout programs and are very grateful for your research, insights, guidance and positive attitude.  Thank you from us both!


Tamara Gaudet-MacDonald

Client who is blind and is a Motivational Diversity Speaker

My wife and I have been working out with Michelle for over a year. Both she and Jack welcomed myself, my wife and my guide dog into their studio. Their dedication and passion for helping others is clear. They love life, people and each other.

All of that dedication, passion and love fuels not only our bodies, but our minds and souls. I’ve never enjoyed working out before but now I do. She did that! Michelle and Jack are the best trainers in Edmonton, hands down!

Brian G

Aged 68 – heart bypass surgery 14 years ago, hospitalized in early May 2016 for a mild heart attack. Here is a text written by him (with permission) from his hospital bed

I was lucky. I had to get 5 stents.

It took 3 hours on the operating table but I had excellent results. The surgeon said he was sure glad I was working out.

I am sure it made the difference. Thanks to you guys.

Marilyn R.

I worked with Michelle from May of 2015 until I had my hip replaced in February of 2016. During our workouts, Michelle focused on strengthening my upper body (necessary to lift oneself out of chairs and a bed following surgery) and on strengthening the muscles necessary to facilitate walking normally following hip replacement surgery.

I continue to work with Michelle post-surgically now to continue strengthening my hip as it heals so that I can resume my active lifestyle.

My surgeon, the nursing staff and physiotherapists commented on how well I was doing immediately following my surgery. I had absolutely no problems getting in and out of bed or going from sitting to standing. My recovery from my hip replacement surgery was much easier as a result of Michelle’s strength training protocol that she put together for me. I would highly recommend Michelle’s skills as an Exercise Specialist for hip and knee joint replacement surgery, prior to surgery and post-surgical.

M. P. Gibson

On June 15, I will be celebrating two years with Ageless Fitness. Starting my training program with Jack & Michelle (Jack is my main trainer) is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I can honestly say that the functional fitness training at Ageless Fitness is top notch – excellent in every way. Jack & Michelle have such a wide range of expertise and experience and more than that – they are people of integrity, whose passion is helping others achieve their goals.

Jack & Michelle are more to me than just trainers. They have become friends who have walked me through many disappointments and struggles. It hasn’t always been an easy journey for me because I tend to get in my own way and psych myself out. They have walked and talked beside me through all that. There is so much more to Ageless Fitness than just fitness. The physical journey is essential to my mental, emotional and spiritual health. Jack & Michelle have taught me how important it is to take care of this body, because everything begins and ends with my state of health.

Even on the not-so-easy days in the studio, Jack has encouraged and empowered me. Michelle stops in every session to say hello and add her encouragement. They’ve taught me how to nourish myself on every level, from the food I eat to the self-talk I can use to turn it around. I have gotten much stronger; I have more energy and I’m addressing my weight issues and my arthritis. I feel truly happy after every workout. Can’t wait for year three!

Richard L.

As a Type I diabetic for the last 11 years, I know I need medicine to survive. It was when I met Jack that I realized that medicine is available outside of my insulin shots.

It has been 13 months since my weekly sessions began. Not only has my pant size shrunk, I feel amazing! Jack’s prescribed workouts, coupled with a Paleo-based diet have decreased my daily insulin intake and my sugar levels have been stable for the first time since diagnosed with diabetes.

Taking care of yourself is hard work, but as Jack tells me often “I’ve got the rest of my life to get to where I’m going”. He is a constant motivator and Jack is passionate about his work and those whose lifestyles he has a part in molding. He’s tailored a progressive training program for me. At 41, as a husband and father of 3 young ones, I have more energy and craving for life than I can remember. Jack’s smile is contagious and his knowledge of training is unparalleled. My family and I thank you. . .you are adding years to my life.

DENISE G. - early 50's - suffering from a soccer injury

Although I had quit playing soccer a few years ago, I could not get relief from the pain and swelling in my knees.  My friend told me about Ageless Fitness and how Michelle does rehab as well as fitness training, so I decided to give her a try.

Best decision ever!  In a matter of a few months, Michelle after designing specialized knee strengthening exercises for me, had my knees back in top condition!  Although I have chosen not to play soccer again, I can do many other things now that my knees are feeling great!  I would not be where I am today without Michelle! 

Both Michelle and Jack genuinely care about the people they work with; they will get you exactly where you need to be, both mentally and physically, with their amazing customized workout plans, their patience and their commitment to you.

L. G. (age 57, knee replacement)

So happy I found Michelle after my knee replacement to my injured knee.  I am very thankful for the work we do to hold off having surgery to my other knee.  Michelle certainly knows how to set up training to get whatever results we, your clients are looking for.  I recommend Michelle and Jack for fitness training or any wellness needs you have.  Be warned though, they do have an addictive environment that you will want to be a part of!

Marnel G.

Thank you, Jack! I am down 20 pounds and work out in the gym every morning before work. May as well use a membership I’ve been paying for for years! You were my inspiration and the fire that was lit under my ass!

Sabrina Ridley

Massage Therapist

Michelle is the most amazing trainer I have ever known! I have been training with her for the last 4 years; originally I started training with her to shed unwanted pounds before my wedding. Then, I was hooked! Even after all the time we have spent together, she still comes up with exciting new exercises for me to do. She is constantly taking continuing education and is the most knowledgeable personal trainer I have ever met.

Not only is Michelle great at creating new and exciting workouts to keep you on your toes, she is also an awesome listener and is able to adapt any workout to your specific needs that day. If it wasn’t for Michelle, I wouldn’t be able to do my job as a massage therapist. I would recommend her to anyone!

Jeremy Burke

Manager, Gold’s Gym

Michelle and her Husband Jack are fantastic people to say the least. I will go out of my way to spend time and talk to them as they are just wonderful people to be around.

Professionally, they are in an elite class of their own. They live, breathe, and eat health and wellness and are shining examples of what commitment and passion can accomplish. They are both highly educated in fitness and nutrition. If you are considering taking them on as personal trainers, just do as they say and your life will greatly change for the better. Yes, they are that good!

C. p.

One of the strengths of Michelle’s approach is that she uses many different kinds of workouts which use the body in various ways. Michelle encourages and supports me and since I am a senior, I appreciate her knowledge and experience in working with clients with older bodies.

Ross Van Volkingburgh

I can speak only affectionately for this couple. They are personable, well achieved, and talented beyond most seasoned pros. They helped me by mentoring a interest in personal training without any question. I owe a debt of gratitude for the positive and knowledgeable training sessions we had. It really helped me to grow, and strengthen my personality. Thanks Jack, and Michelle.

Diane and Jocelyn

Mother and Daughter

We decided to hike the West Coast Trail in August 2015. Very aware of our “then fitness level”, we turned to Ageless Fitness & Health for HELP! After our initial meeting with Michelle and Jack, we instantly felt a good fit as their knowledge and love for fitness shone through. With only a few months to prepare, Michelle led us through a weekly series of exercises to increase our strength and endurance. The encouragement we received from Michelle was instrumental in achieving our goal of completing the West Coast Trail hike, which we did August 23, 2015!

We continue to train with Michelle and are planning to hike the Chilkoot Trail in the summer of 2016!


Michelle at Ageless Fitness & Health is a one of a kind trainer. Her passion fuels the one-on-one experience you receive. She has limitless experience and patience for every session. The workouts she designs are just for me – it’s an amazing commitment level she has and she is a beautiful person as well!

Thank you, Michelle for sharing your gift with the world.

L. B.

Thanks Jack and I am so happy I took your advice. Everyone was telling me different things but I went with your expert advice because I trust you know what you are talking about, based on your extensive experience.

Thank you so much Jack, for all you do!

Chad L.

Muay-Thai Fighter

Your nutrition plan has helped me immensely!

I’ve just started training in Muay Thai recently and the plan is providing me with the nutrition I need to power through some gruelling workouts.

Thanks for everything.

L. M.

What I would like to share is how much I have valued the lessons and information that you shared with me. So often I recall something you said which was encouraging and motivating for me. The impact you have had goes far beyond workouts and have helped me in changing the way I think.

The wonderful part is when I have an opportunity to share “Jack’s wisdom” is when someone else is struggling. From the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you.

Amy Nachtigall

I cannot say enough great things about my experience with Ageless Fitness & Health. From my initial contact with Michelle and Jack, they were professional, knowledgeable, accommodating and kind.

I had the privilege of working one-on-one with Jack. He took the time to listen to my goals and struggles and incorporated those into challenging workouts. He became my trainer, my mentor, my counsellor and my friend. Jack didn’t just focus on physical goals but he worked with me on other facets of my life to help me move towards wellness as a whole person.

I highly recommend Ageless Fitness & Health and Jack and Michelle. Outstanding!

R. R.

Professional League Curling Athlete

Hey Jack and Michelle; we played 4 games on Saturday alone and were on the ice from 4 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. in the morning and up again that Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. Your fitness training has paid off and has been a noticeable help!

A. R.

Biggest bouquet out there for Michelle. What an amazing trainer! A lady that works with integrity, is trustworthy and very detailed in her workout programs.

Treats you like family. You just know that she knows what she’s doing; that’s how comfortable you feel there.

Would I go back to her? 100% yes I would even with the drive from Spruce Grove. Thank you, thank you for my solid foundation, for my next level in training.

Shelly D.

Michelle is passionate about health and fitness and it shows! Through the enthusiasm, she brings to every session she creates exercise routines that are individualized, challenging and she truly cares about her clients’ success. Her workout studio is relaxed, comfortable and fun! Thank you, Michelle!

Jerry Rothenberg

Arthritis Patient

I came to Jack with a weak and debilitating arthritic condition. Over the last 6 months working with Jack, my condition has improved considerably. I am now able to function in ways that I previously thought would be impossible.

Jack has been a life saver; his knowledge, skill, patience and genuine concern had made a positive and lasting difference in my life. I totally trust and recommend him to anyone who needs help in regaining their strength and confidence; to correct and build a new, healthy body.

Sue B.

I just recently passed my 6-month anniversary working out with Michelle. I feel awesome! My weight is back to what I was in my 20s before having babies; I have lost more than 15 inches in various areas; and, I have muscles I never knew existed. It’s been hard work and meant I needed to sacrifice but……all well worth it. I am very happy with the results. Being healthy and fit are my main goals at age 51. Thanks Michelle! I couldn’t have done it without your help, encouragement and support!

Y. P.

I want to thank you for all that you have done to help me make positive changes in my life. I could not have done it on my own. The food plan you gave me is one that I will continue to follow and I’m very happy to have learned that I can make progress with weight loss and fitness. Jack, you are a good teacher. I really appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement so much. Thank you for helping me to see what I can do instead of what I think I cannot do. I am happy to hear that your business is taking off. You both seem to love what you do which is the best kind of job to have!

Tacey Deering

They are the best trainers I have had the pleasure to encounter. Consider these 2 for fitness training and nutrition. Thank you for educating me and guiding me to make better choices for my body.

Debbie S.

Michelle, with all my gratitude, thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me reach a goal that I’ve been trying to achieve for 20 years. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, skills and talent. Thank you for your exceptional guidance and help, as my overall fitness has improved immensely. You taught me the connection between exercise, nutrition and weight training. I really could not have done it without you. I cannot thank you enough for this amazing victory. You are the greatest and best. I am so lucky to have worked with you.

Dr. Rick Mozell


Jack and Michelle have had an exceptional effect on my professional and personal life. Their passion and knowledge about nutrition, health and fitness has helped me become fit, a better doctor and a better person.

They are truly the best fitness trainers I have had experience with in 25 years of professional practice. For anyone who wants to transform themselves and become healthier and more fit, these people are the best!

With their ongoing help, I will continue to get better with age and you can too!

Thank you forever.

N. P.

What can I say? Michelle rocks! I was looking for something new in my training ritual and I definitely received that from Michelle. My experience with Michelle is that she is highly motivated, professional, knowledgeable, very caring and most of all loyal to her clients. By working with Michelle just 1 hour a week and following her exercise program and dietary advice, I noticed quick results in my fitness and my overall well-being. I finish my sessions feeling motivated and anxious to see what the following week brings! Thank you, Michelle!


I am so pleased I had to write and let you and Jack know that I am now wearing a pair of old jeans I have not been able to fit into for 2 years! I have been keeping up with my workouts and have been following the nutrition information you gave me. I bought a Paleo cookbook about a month ago and have been cooking like mad and loving the recipes (my husband too!). I want you both to know how happy I am to have gotten involved with Ageless Fitness & Health. I am looking forward to returning to training with Jack so I can keep progressing! All my thanks to both of you!

M. F.

Post-Surgery Client

I would totally recommend Ageless Fitness & Health to anyone who is willing to get fit or fitter. Michelle understood my needs from day one and five months later, she is still working very hard to find the best exercises for my goals and gives me the motivation I need to not give up. Being a rehabilitation/post-surgical client, I am thrilled to be working out harder than I ever thought I would and without pain!

Vivian C

Jack and Michelle have been an inspiration to me. They are two of the most positive, encouraging and personal people I have ever met. This was my first choice for a Personal Trainer; I am so glad I chose to try “Ageless Fitness”.

I have not yet reached my goals, but I have been given the tools that will assist me in reaching them. If you are looking for Personal Trainers who care about you and your goals, these two would be my number one recommendation. They evaluate you as a person; they train you based on what you can do. Your personal capabilities are taken into consideration.

Cheryl McCallum

My training with Ageless Fitness & Health is one of the most valuable gifts I have given myself. Jack and Michelle are wonderful, dedicated trainers with amazing knowledge of the human body. They make workouts challenging, interesting and fun. I have also gained a huge knowledge base of exercise techniques and have set up an inexpensive home gym with their help. They have instilled an attitude in me that I can accomplish anything with a bit of hard work. What a great confidence builder! I will always be grateful for their dedication. I feel great and look forward to getting older and better.

P. R.

Registered Massage Therapist

Michelle and Jack are excellent coaches who are thoroughly educated! I love how the programs are made specifically for your body type and personality.

They take the time to train and coach you properly to make sure you do not injure yourself and that you get the most from your workouts. I feel stronger now and more energized from training with Michelle. She and Jack have helped reinforce the concept that proper nutrition and exercise help you to feel good about yourself and gives you more energy for your daily tasks. No matter what your age or shape, Michelle and Jack can help you to achieve your fitness goals.

Anne Steeg

I want to sincerely thank you for your most precious training. I have learned a great deal and so appreciate your style of training and education. You are truly gifted and your services enhance this world… making it a better place to be. MY life has been enhanced!

All the best to you and Jack. You have been so warm and kind. I really love both of your spirits. . . the twinkle you share with each other and the utmost professionalism you offer.

F. D.

Working with Michelle, along with Jack’s input, has allowed me to experience fitness training that I thought was not possible. I started working with them to over come some limitations and am thrilled at the results. Their experience, knowledge and hands-on work has been priceless for me. The fitness journey they have mapped for me is just starting. I look forward to the future and highly recommend them to all.
Thank you for all that you have done.

M. G.

Marathon Runner, Ironman Triathlete

Weight training is pivotal to success in all three events in the Ironman triathlon: To build strength for swimming, power for cycling, and to build muscular endurance for late in the marathon portion. The load-bearing nature of weight training also strengthens connective tissue, which helps me avoid injuries that are usually associated with the volume of training required to race 140 miles in ten hours. Michelle and Jack have helped me focus on the correct balance of strength and endurance in my Ironman training program.

O. M.

Thank you for all your time that you spent with me and for being a great motivator!

S. G.

I had the good fortune of finding you in 2008. Thank you for your guidance and support with the start of my ageless fitness journey. I’m looking forward to continued progress towards lifelong health and fitness in 2009.

D. D.

Michelle and Jack are tremendous motivators and they show their clients the benefits of exercise by showing their dedication to their clients and to themselves.

Darcy Skaley

Volleyball Player

I have been working out with Jack since May 2014 and the results have been fantastic!

Unlike the trainers you will find at the gym, Jack will actually train your body for a complete level of fitness in ways traditional gym routines cannot accomplish. I have spend regular time in the gym with a lot of positive results but the difference between that type of a workout and what you will learn at Ageless Fitness & Health, is night and day.

As an extra bonus, you don’t have to be stuck in a sweaty gym with a bunch of posers. Their private training facility is perfect for an intense one-on-one training session that can encompass any type of workout.

I have found great value in Jack’s expertise in nutritional/dietary planning, advanced stretching techniques and anatomical knowledge. The supportive and motivational environment is conducive to keeping you on track and coming back for more.

As an avid volleyball player, I have remarkably improved my performance by increasing my endurance, vertical leaping, strength and reducing my chance of injury. I am almost twice the age of most of my teammates and I constantly outwork and outperform them!

Mike Jackman

I have been with Jack and Michelle for three months now and the change that I have experienced is nothing short of amazing.

I am in my 50’s and started with Jack on his fitness and well-being program in July. I was looking for a change in my life that was directed towards a healthier life style for someone that was not physically active but had the commitment to try.

I didn’t want to spend hours at the gym on a treadmill or starve myself to get in a healthy condition. I also wanted to work with someone that is more appropriate for my age and Jack and Michelle both fit into those demographics. They both look great and look 20 years younger than their actual age.

Jack put a program together that worked for me physically and socially. I’m in my 50+ years and have never felt so happy, healthy and energized than I do now.

Jack believes in moderation and uses methods that meet the needs of a person, regardless of their current physical condition. There is no working out until you drop from exhaustion. The personal program that he puts together meets the needs and ability of the person. Jack will be the first to tell you that if it hurts than you’re doing it wrong. Pain is not part of his program but the positive results are.

I would highly recommend Jack and Michelle if you’re an individual regardless of your age or physical ability who is looking to get healthy and in physical shape without all the stress.

They are both kind, generous and easy to get along with people who have a purpose to help other people get healthy without the stress.

Lori-Ann McNeelands

If I was asked to describe Jack in one word, it would be “passionate”. Both he and Michelle, as a team, have such tremendous passion for their work and a desire to help their clients achieve a healthier quality of life.

I have worked with Jack for over a year now and have learned so much beyond simply putting my body through a routine. Jack explains and teaches the reasons and the benefits of each exercise. I have gained such an immense amount of information over this past year. His daily encouragements – yes, daily – and motivation surpass any one trainer or my expectations of a trainer. He has inspired me to work harder, be healthier and most of all to put myself first, to believe in what I am capable of accomplishing.

This year, that accomplishment came when a two-year dream became reality and I was able to climb a mountain. There were many moments going up that mountain, that my body wanted to stop but I could continuously hear Jack’s voice asking “Who is this woman?” To say thanks barely encompasses my gratitude and thankfulness for having both Jack and Michelle in my life.

Angie Black

I had struggled with weight and in my eyes, shape deformity. I had lost 100 lbs on my own before coming to Michelle.

I knew there was so much more to being “FIT” than just losing weight. I wasn’t happy with my progress and I needed more. I knew I needed nutritional help on top of my workouts. I was a cardio nazi and I thought that if I work harder and harder and longer then the fat HAS to melt off.

Michelle was so quick to pick up on that and her line for the first few months for me was, “LESS IS MORE”. I think she knew I had a hard time accepting that. She put me on the nutritional plan and my workouts were never the same thing twice. I was never bored and always challenged.

I have seen Jack and Michelle interact with each other’s clients and be so supportive and motivating to them and also to one another. They are not just trainers, they become family and they see all the things in you that you seem to over look.

I look forward to coming back and I cannot thank you enough for being a HUGE part of my journey to reach my goals. The hard work that they put in to the workouts to make them fit for me, is evidence that they do not see us as “cookie cutter clients”. We all have different needs and that is their focus, to see those needs met. I never felt judged or unappreciated. They are AWESOME cheerleaders too and make you feel like a superstar! I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work Jack and Michelle.

Victor Spicer

B.Sc., D.D.S.

After 2 years of working with Michelle, I am really happy that the programs and menus Michelle has created for me took me off the path of increasing weight gain and progressively limited mobility. My objectives were simple 2 years ago; to reduce my waist size and get stronger and more flexible so that I could enjoy the sports that I have for many more years.

Michelle has been a continued source of motivation and leadership to those goals. Each workout is customized for my age, goals and energy level that day.

For Michelle, there is no such thing as failure! You are there – you are a winner and she shows it. The new studio offers a great space to stretch and workout. I look forward to every session with Michelle as it invigorates me for the week and I know I have done something good for myself.

I have shared my experience with many people and offer the highest level of endorsement for anyone interested in self-improvement.

Linda Young

Choosing Ageless Fitness & Health has been the best decision and best investment in my health that I have ever made! My stressful desk job had left me feeling exhausted, depressed, overweight and taking medication for high blood pressure. Last winter my doctor even suggested anti-depressants as I was finding it so difficult to function. I was also wasting money on exercise classes that I was too tired and miserable to attend.

Since I started working out with Michelle, my health and my whole outlook on life has improved. Michelle is an amazing motivator. She designs workouts specifically for my multiple issues and the stretching sessions are like magic for stress relief! The nutritional advice Michelle and Jack offer has been a real eye-opener – no wonder I was having such a problem with my weight!

I look forward to every session and feel great after – I practically “float” home because I have not felt so invigorated in years! Another bonus of working out with Michelle is that my blood pressure has improved so much that my doctor recommended that I go off my medication.

If you are looking for a fitness program that will improve your whole life – Ageless Fitness & Health is your best choice! Thank you forever, Michelle and Jack!

Corey Jamieson

If you want strength and wellness of your body and mind, as well as effective implementation – where you know you will get results. . .you will want to be a client of Michelle and Jack’s.

I have been a client for 4 years and I have never known better people. . .better trainers of fitness, nutrition and health. It has been my blessing to have been able to work with Michelle and Jack.

I achieved the fit body under their guidance and dedication to me in a short time. I had been working towards this for years with other high profile trainers without the success I was hoping for.

You can be certain to obtain results with Ageless Fitness; they will tailor a program of fitness and nutrition that will help you exceed even your own expectations!

I will never leave them and I appreciate them daily! I wish to thank them for everything they have done for me in so many ways.


I would like to give a huge “THANK YOU” to you, for your training, coaching, AIS stretching and your always helpful guidance this past year. I am living a healthier and better quality of life! (Plus shrinking in size is a nice bonus!)

I stand taller (with better posture and confidence) and I have a lot more energy!! I have received a lot of compliments from my family, friends and co-workers in how GOOD I look!! They want to know what I am doing to look this good and I tell them… YOU!

Plus, when I was at my last doctor’s appointment… I had both NORMAL blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. I had high cholesterol for over 22 years and I was amazed and in shock that my levels were normal! I do not need to take any medication! Yay!

I always look forward to our sessions, as you keep me motivated. I like to see how far I can push myself every time too. One does not know their true strength and their endurance until they really REALLY try! You are never too old to start!

You have truly changed my life!!

Thank you!!!

Laura D.

I have worked with Michelle since December 2012; I had a goal in mind of getting into tip top shape for my daughter’s wedding in August of this year, and as of today, I have reached that goal!

With Michelle’s help and a lot of hard work, I was able to get there. I can’t say enough good things about her style; she was always available for my questions and skepticism. Her programs are personally designed and she pushes you accordingly. Her confidence and support in me also kept me going when I felt I had reached the end. I have the confidence now to wear the dress I had hoped for my daughter’s big day! Not to mention a new outlook on a health and fitness lifestyle.

Thanks Michelle, I wouldn’t have gotten there without you and you have not seen the last of me!

DarleeAnn Mathieson

R.M.T., Sports & Therapeutic Massage Therapist

As a sports massage therapist, my profession is physically demanding and requires me to stay in shape so I can give 100 percent to every one of my clients, including my friends, Jack and Michelle.

From my very first consult with Jack, I knew we would be a perfect fit. My learning curve about fitness and nutrition has surpassed what I could have expected and my improved fitness level in a few short months has been amazing.

With both Jack and Michelle being top-placing masters bodybuilding athletes and nutritional coaches who pool and expand on their expert knowledge of health and fitness, you are guaranteed to be set up success!

From your fitness evaluation, to nutritional consulting, to each and every training session, Jack and Michelle are professional, passionate and truly dedicated. Your workouts will be fun, challenging, rewarding and never boring or repetitious as they have an infinite amount of exercises in their repertoire! They are a joy to work with and I look forward to my weekly sessions.

It is with confidence and conviction regarding whether you are an athlete, a fitness enthusiast or an every day average person looking to keep active and seeking a comprehensive approach involving fitness and nutrition, that I say your search is over! Look no further than Ageless Fitness & Health.

P. Lepine

Race Walker and Marathon Runner

I have been working with Michelle at Ageless Fitness since September, 2011.

First, Michelle and I got together so she could assess my physical conditioning, discuss my short term and long term goals, and establish a starting point. We hit it off immediately.

Michelle is a champion of variety so the routines are constantly changing and never boring. She has proven to be very adept at gauging my improvement over the months and adjusting the workload intensity to ensure a slow but steady improvement in my physical conditioning.

She is a stickler for form and will demonstrate each exercise in detail. She will then watch and observe while you perform 3-4 sets of each exercise to ensure that they are done properly so as to avoid injury.

I would recommend her services, without hesitation, to anyone who is committed to a healthy and active lifestyle.


Horse Trainer and Competitive Rodeo Barrel Racer

Training with Ageless Fitness has made a considerable difference in my life; allowing me to reach fitness goals of increased strength, flexibility and stamina. In my working with Michelle of Ageless Fitness for the past several months, I not only feel strong and fit, but the training has also brought considerable benefits to my work with horses. My riding has improved due to increased core strength, balance and stamina and my horses now work less to carry me because I am able to stay better balanced on their back to carry myself properly throughout movements. This gives me an advantage in timed speed events because my horses can now put more energy into moving themselves instead of working to balance and support me on their back.

I really notice a difference when I work with young colts, who have lesser balance capabilities themselves. I am able to stay centred on the horse even when the horse may lose its balance and therefore train them more effectively. I have really appreciated Michelle’s efforts to design exercises that directly correspond with the movements I make when I train horses. Due to the workouts from Ageless Fitness, my ability to ride, train and compete horses has been greatly increased and has enabled me to push my horses and myself to greater limits.


I would highly recommend the training program at Ageless Fitness & Health to anyone wanting to slim down, tone up or even just generally improve their health and fitness level. Jack and Michelle have constructed an excellent program of full body exercises, which combined with their nutritional plan, to form a new and manageable routine for life.

The workouts are challenging and varied, using minimal equipment. This makes it easy for you to change things up and keep the interest going, while not having to spend a fortune on a home-gym system. Jack and Michelle are also very supportive of their students, providing motivation and guidance whenever it is needed (not just during sessions). This is what they live for.

Since starting their program, I have lost almost 30 pounds, I have much more energy and less muscle and joint pain.

Thank you, Jack and Michelle for all your help.

Angie Black

Commercial Greenhouse Builder 
(extremely demanding job, has to walk on steeply pitched roofs)

The other day I had to lift poly carbonate sheets 6′ wide by 4′ long onto the lift. I carried 4 sheets at a time and used your technique of the deep squat and I didn’t strain my back at all. I have noticed a HUGE difference from my previous years of hard labour in this kind of work and truly beating up my body. Thank you so much, Michelle; I find ways to use the functional training you taught me in everything I do at my job. When I walk in the greenhouse roof gutter, which gets full of ice and snow and even with the wind and my hearing challenges, my balance is awesome.

I know your training with me has helped my endurance, strength and focus to get through each day and keep going at this work. I know you would be so proud to see how your work you put in with me has paid off for me in how I perform in my work. I needed to tell you that. I sure miss training with you and your words of encouragement from you, Jack and your father.

Leah T.

I have spent 40 years bouncing from diet plans to gyms to Shape magazines, (thousands of them), to trainers, all the time trying to deal with a horrible body image that has plagued me since my teens.

I have been seeing Michelle and Jack now for a year and a half and I can honestly say that I have finally “let go” of the idea of that 20 year old body shape I thought that I should have always had, and never did. Thank you so much, Glamour magazine! Thanks to Michelle, I have embraced the idea of physical strength and the mental stability that comes along with it. I LOVE my workouts and the idea of getting stronger.

Even after a long day at work, I am always motivated and focused on getting to Michelle’s. Her workouts are de-stressing, never boring or repetitious and I’m always curious to see how much I’m gonna hurt the next day! Always fun to get out of bed on a Tuesday morning wondering if I’m going to need a wheelchair to get to the bathroom!

Thank you so much, Michelle for letting me talk and sweat your ear off while you just so patiently stand smiling, watching the second hand tick away. Mind you, you always know what’s coming next! You are a doll and you are going to be stuck with me for a while!

I would recommend Michelle and Jack of Ageless Fitness (already have!) to anyone who is serious about improving their fitness level at any age. Michelle, Jack and Dad are truly inspiring! Love you guys!

N. W.

Michelle and Jack are an extraordinary complete package of knowledge, spirit and compassion. I was lucky enough to meet them thru my co-worker and I truly enjoyed my every session with them. They have an unparalleled love for fitness and nutrition and they are excited to teach their clients.

The nutrition plan was straightforward and simple to achieve on a day to day basis with everyday natural foods. The workouts were tailored to my fitness level and interests. Michelle and Jack would push me weekly with the variety of workouts. They were always fun and challenging and I could see my body tightening over the weeks and my strength and coordination improving. I did both functional training and then strength training for a perfectly rounded routine which I could do in the gym or at home. I would recommend them to anybody at any age and fitness level who is looking to improve themselves. They are absolutely amazing and so motivating.

D. A.

I was the girl with Jack and Michelle’s business card in my wallet for three YEARS! I finally drummed up the courage to give them a call and am so happy I did. The program was fun and actually “do-able” unlike so many others I had tried. I was impressed with their commitment to me as a client and they were both genuinely concerned that I reach my personal goals. I learned a lot more than a fitness program. I learned to accept my body where I was at and that changes will come but they can take time. It’s not about a perfect physique so much as preparing for lifelong fitness and optimum health! I now have everything I need to get me there. They are both an inspiration to me. We laughed a lot. I was actually sad that my classes were over but I am confident with all the exercises and nutrition plan that I can stay on track. I plan to keep in touch to mix it up once in a while. Many thanks to the both of you!

Katherine Torrance

I was very fortunate to meet and work with Michelle and Jack last year in preparation for my first Ironman. I have suffered with G.I. Issues during training and races in the past, tried many different things with no success.

Michelle put together a nutrition plan which allowed me to maintain the high carb/calorie input needed for Ironman training but was easy on my tummy. The pre-race meal planning was extensive and set me up for a fantastic day. Thanks to Michelle, I had a trouble-free day, sustained by my caloric intake and finished within my goal time. Her extensive fitness and nutrition background enables her to plan for every level of athlete.

Since then, I have implemented several nutrition and functional training suggestions including the TRX which has improved my core stability, muscle imbalance and lower overall body fat. I look forward to working with you again this year; I know you will have researched new ways for me to improve!

Kathy Harkin

I started working with Michelle in August of this year. We worked together twice a week, and in that time, Michelle always had a completely different program for me! I couldn’t believe the variety. It made each session very interesting and kept me guessing of what would be next. This was such a motivator for me because I didn’t get bored. I was also so impressed with how Michelle tailored the exercises to my abilities and disabilities. She constantly worked on the areas of my body that needed to be improved and through the months I saw strength in areas that I hadn’t in the past. I am getting stronger each day. Michelle and Jack are both incredibly encouraging. The word “can’t” does not exist in their vocabulary. I would highly recommend anyone who wants a dedicated, caring trainer, to see Michelle or Jack. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

Julie Gallagher

I started a program with Jack & Michelle about 3 months ago. I’m a diabetic with a lot of other health issues. I’m also pushing 60 so I really needed to get on something.

I researched several fitness programs but they seemed to have the answers for me. I am thrilled I did. I received personal attention, they tailored a food plan & a exercise program that has been terrific for me; I’m down 2 dress sizes and now my sugars have come down & my overall has improved a 100% (there is a dance in my step)

So I will follow their program & realize this is a life change for me and look forward to ongoing good health with Ageless & Fitness…..thanks Michelle & Jack from London Ontario I look forward to programs as I progress in my good health

Iram Islam

Manager at GNC

Michelle has been known to me for a few years now, each time I encountered her she always had some information to share with me. I also witnessed her progress in her endeavor to better her physique each year as she set herself new goals. Michelle exercises humility and open-mindedness despite having a very robust base of knowledge. I have seen her break tried and true techniques she has practiced for a long time to introduce new ones in all aspects of her life. This in turn has given her new ways to perceive and ultimately bring her further insight. This displays the utter epitome of adaptability. Whenever Michelle tells me of some new method she has explored I am always sure to touch upon it. The viability of her practices are never in question to me, if anything she leads the way as to how I approach healthy lifestyle in many regards. She has proved that with clients and on stage many times. In that, aside from being a dear acquaintance of mine she will always be great friend and influential figure, even if I were not to see her for decades. I definitely stand behind endorsing Michelle for anything she is focused upon.