How Are You Accountable?

IMG_5215I have 5 clients all named “Linda”.  The Linda I am referring to in this blog wanted to be accountable for her wellness goals in 2016.  So, she showed me how she was being accountable and in detail too!  I invited her to text me every day to let me know that she got a workout in and ate well that day.  She prepared all her meals in advance so that the chance of her making a not-so-great meal choice was greatly reduced.

She took pictures of her meals, took a picture of her workout that she did and even took a picture of sweat on her workout mat!  She also did some screen captures of her intervals, showing that she had completed a particular interval assigned to her that day.  She also provided commentary to me by cell phone on how her day went and what challenges she had and any modifications she made to a workout.  I gave her a weekly planner to follow for exercise and she showed me the planner sheet checked off for that day.  Linda, I am damn proud of you!

IMG_5219Whatever you need to do to make yourself accountable and keep you on track to reaching your goals is as individual as you are.  One of my clients had a smaller size dress hanging up in a prominent place in her home so that she could keep her eye on that goal for the wedding.  Another client placed photos on the fridge of himself at a heavier weight, signifying that he did not want to go down that road again.

What do you do to be accountable to your wellness goals?