Tandem Training & Stretching

Tomorrow we are working with a married couple who are fitness training at the same time (the husband and wife have separate exercise programs to meet their individual goals) and then they booked both of us right after their workout session for an Active Isolated Stretch session.  A stretch session booked right after a workout is ideal and helps you recover from workouts faster.  We are less busy over the holidays so it worked out great that we could tandem-train this couple and follow with a deep stretch session for both after.  Many people who get a stretch session after a workout have told us that they feel like a million bucks after!

AIS stretch 4We have several couples that we work with to tandem-train at the same time and we have a reduced price for the tandem fitness training so be sure if you are interested in working out with a partner to ask for our tandem rate.  Scheduling tandem training all depends on our availability.  Most of our evening spaces are full now but there are day time spaces open if you have some flexibility.  Tandem training would be great for semi-retired  or retired couples, or couples who work from home.

A tandem training session can involve one of us only, with 2 clients to one trainer or both of us, each working with one individual of the couple pair.  If you are interested in tandem training, contact us to ask about our reduced rates for couples.